Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Galatians A Study of Law and Grace


Galatians was written between 53 and 57 BCE by the apostle Paul. He wrote it to combat the Judaizers who were preaching that the ceremonial laws of the OT were still needed for salvation, especially circumcision.

Paul clearly establishes his position as an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ and his authority as such. He informs how he was called by God. How he was accepted by the original apostles. How he opposed Peter on circumcision and called him out as a hypocrite when Peter came to Antioch.

Having denounced the Judaizers and established his credentials Paul pursues a discussion of law and grace. He discusses how Abraham by faith was used of God and how faith came before the law.  He explains that the only thing that counts is "faith expressing itself through love." He explains the freedom that is in grace and the slavery that is in the law. He describes the life that is in the spirit and the attributes of the fruit of the Spirit and he calls us to live in the Spirit.

He ends with a warning, "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." He calls us to live according to the spirit not of the flesh which is the sinful nature.   

1 comment:

  1. Hello Allen,

    Enjoy your Gal. study and would be interested in your Rev. studies. Jim
